TCTMD’s Top 10 Most Popular Stories for June 2024
A study tracking CV risks with a low-cal sweetener topped a diverse list of stories spanning meeting updates and sex advice.

Far and away our most popular story in June was coverage of a study linking a sugar alcohol, xylitol, to platelet reactivity and thrombosis formation, as well as an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events. The rest of the list reflects the diverse interests of TCTMD readers, including news that the RECOVER IV trial had been halted in the wake of DanGer Shock, several stories from New York Valves, and tributes to two well-known cardiologists who died this month. One long read, delving into how best to advise patients on sex after an MI, also made this month’s top 10.
1. Another Low-Cal Sugar Substitute Linked to Cardiovascular Risks
Following earlier work on erythritol, these latest findings boost concerns about not-so-sweet effects of sugar alcohols.
2. RECOVER IV Impella Trial Halted in the Wake of DanGer Shock
With the first positive results from a cardiogenic-shock RCT in hand, researchers are brainstorming what should come next.
3. Hypertension Expert George Bakris Mourned by Colleagues and Friends
Those who knew him recall a passionate physician and generous collaborator who brought “intellect and zaniness” to his work.
4. Weight-Loss Drug Tirzepatide Reduces Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Investigators also saw improvements in inflammation and BP, but effects on hard CVD outcomes await a larger RCT.
5. Stuart J. Connolly, Clinical Trialist and Arrhythmia Medicine Pioneer, Dies at 75
Remembered as incisive, driven, curious, and kind, Connolly died Saturday of neuroendocrine cancer.
6. Reassuring 5-Year Outcomes for Sapien-Treated TAVI Patients With Small Annuli
Early hemodynamics with the balloon-expandable device do not adversely affect outcomes at 5 years in patients with small annuli.
7. Let’s Talk About Sex: How Best to Broach Post-MI Conversations
Sex is no different than other types of physical activity. So why is it so hard for cardiologists to talk about a “return to play”?
8. AV Block Common After Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement for TR
The findings highlight the need for EP involvement in heart team discussions, and for ongoing innovation, as TTVR gathers steam.
9. Excess ApoB Linked to Increased MI, ASCVD Risk in Adults
The study adds more support for making apoB part of routine lipid panels to determine a patient’s true risk of ASCVD.
10. Benefits of 12-Month DAPT After CABG Persist to 5 Years: DACAB
The researchers hypothesize that adding ticagrelor to aspirin for the first year preserves graft patency and reduces later events.
Shelley Wood is the Editor-in-Chief of TCTMD and the Editorial Director at CRF. She did her undergraduate degree at McGill…
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