Question: Information that I submitted when I registered with TCTMD has changed. How do I keep my profile up-to-date?

Answer: Your TCTMD membership is self-managed. If your email address or any other information contained in your profile has changed, you should do the following:

  1. Log in to TCTMD using your username and password (you will find the My Account portlet in the upper right corner of the homepage)
  2. Click on the My TCTMD link that appears underneath your name
  3. Update the information in your profile as necessary
  4. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page

Question: I forgot my password. Can you tell me what it is? Can I change it?

Answer: If you have forgotten your password, you may receive it at the email address associated with your TCTMD account.

  1. Launch the TCTMD homepage (http://www.tctmd.com)
  2. Click on the hyperlink in the My Account portlet that reads Forgot Username/Password?
  3. Enter the email address or username associated with your account to retrieve your login information via email.
  4. Click the submit button and check your email for the information (you should receive the email within a few minutes of submitting your request)

Question: Why can't I view the weekly eletter properly? How do I subscribe or unsubscribe from it?

Answer: Our electronic newsletters are distributed in two formats: plain text and HTML. Plain text emails contain text only (no graphics), while HTML emails tend to be graphically rich and more pleasing to look at. For a variety of reasons you may not be able to accept incoming emails in HTML format, and thus you will not be able to view the eletter properly. For more information, view our email help page. If you want to change your email format, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to TCTMD using your username and password (you will find the My Account portlet in the upper right corner of the homepage).
  2. Click on the My TCTMD link that appears underneath your name.
  3. Scroll down the page to the Newsletter Sign Up section. Select your email format preference.
  4. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom of the page

Question: I am signed up to receive your enewsletter but I am not receiving it on a regular basis - is there a problem?

Answer: Many ISPs filter e-mail to keep spam out of your Inbox, and most corporate email servers run software to filter out email that is suspected to be unsolicited bulk email (UBE). As a result, they occasionally filter out e-mail that you want to receive. To ensure delivery of our newsletter(s), you should add us to your email service provider or email software "Allowed Sender" or "Whitelist". Details on how to do this are found on our email help page.

Question: A colleague of mine would like to receive your e-newsletter. His email address is mrx@aol.com - can you sign him up?

Answer: Unfortunately, the only way we can add a recipient to our e-newsletter distribution list is to have the interested party register with TCTMD and Opt-in. In order to facilitate this, you may click on the "Forward this Newsletter to a Colleague" feature from within the e-newsletter. A copy of the e-newsletter will be forwarded to your colleague, and the recipient will be prompted to register if he or she clicks on any links within the e-newsletter.

Question: Why do I receive multiple copies of your e-newsletter(s)?

Answer: You have registered with TCTMD on multiple occasions using different email addresses, and each email address has opted in to receive the e-newsletter. If you do not want to receive a copy at multiple email addresses, you should unsubscribe from all but one of your of your accounts as per the unsubscribe instructions above.
