Presentation TCT 2014 Electroanatomic Mapping Is NOT Required for Stem Cell Injection Presenter: Alan W. Heldman September 15, 2014 REGISTER for free or LOG IN to view this content Coronary Presentation TCT 2014 Up Next Presentation TCT 2014 TCT 529: Comparison of Peripheral Arterial Chronic Total Occlusion Crossing Strategies in the XLPAD Registry Presenter: Karan Sarode, MD September 14, 2014 More slides + Presentation TCT 2014 Effectiveness of Arterial Closure Devices for Preventing Bleeding Complications After Transfermoral Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Controlled Instrumental Variable Analysis From The National Cardiovascular Data Registry Presenter: Neil J Wimmer September 14, 2014 Presentation TCT 2014 Pedal Access and Retrograde CTO Crossing: Tips and Tools from a Master Presenter: Jihad A. Mustapha September 14, 2014 We Recommend
Presentation TCT 2014 TCT 529: Comparison of Peripheral Arterial Chronic Total Occlusion Crossing Strategies in the XLPAD Registry Presenter: Karan Sarode, MD September 14, 2014
Presentation TCT 2014 Effectiveness of Arterial Closure Devices for Preventing Bleeding Complications After Transfermoral Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Controlled Instrumental Variable Analysis From The National Cardiovascular Data Registry Presenter: Neil J Wimmer September 14, 2014
Presentation TCT 2014 Pedal Access and Retrograde CTO Crossing: Tips and Tools from a Master Presenter: Jihad A. Mustapha September 14, 2014