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As a TCTMD member, you now have access to content from all CRF conferences including Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT), Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO), Transcatheter Valve Therapies (TVT), and many other leading interventional meetings. If you subscribed to the TCTMD newsletter, you will enjoy a weekly wrap-up of the most important interventional cardiovascular news, research, and major meeting presentations. If you subscribed to the CRF newsletter, you will be receiving the latest updates about our series of state-of-the-art educational programs and research initiatives. Be sure to download the TCTMD App for iOS or Android to stay up-to-date with the latest news, education, and conference presentations while on the go. Look for new CRF and TCT apps coming soon, which will connect you to all of our conferences and events.

You may also want to upgrade to a TCTMD Gold or Platinum membership, which will give you access to watch exclusive slide presentations with audio and download PowerPoint files from conference presentations. The Platinum membership level allows you to view CRF's TCT, TVT, and CTO conferences live as they happen.

On behalf of CRF and TCTMD, we would like to extend a warm welcome to our community, which has developed over the past 20 years around a common goal to improve the survival and quality of life for people living with cardiovascular disease through research and education. We look forward to seeing you at our conferences and to working together to pioneer the next generation of interventional technologies and therapies for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


The TCTMD Team

P.S. Should you experience any trouble with your account, please submit your issue and we will respond within 1 business day.