The Biggest News of 2020: TCTMD’s Top 10
COVID-19 infected our entire top 10 list this year, speaking to the need among readers to learn as much as they could, and quickly.

1. The Mystery of the Missing STEMIs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2. COVID-19 and the Heart: Insights From the Front Lines
As COVID-19 cases go global, a picture is emerging as to its CV impact and how cardiologists in hard-hit regions are coping.
3. German COVID-19 Autopsy Data Show Thromboembolism, ‘Heavy’ Lungs
The data support the idea that some patients may need anticoagulation to prevent pulmonary embolism.
4. COVID-19: TCTMD’s Daily Dispatch
Every weekday since March 23, 2020, we’ve been summing up the top research and policy news on COVID-19. Here, we link to the current month’s Dispatch. Find all of TCTMD’s past Dispatches here.
5. Cardiology After COVID-19: Physicians Predict Lasting Change
A new era for telemedicine, rebuilding patient trust, and an increase in efficiency of care were common themes.
6. COVID-19 Poised to Upend the Cath Lab, ACC and SCAI Say
Be prepared, experts urge. Much is still unknown about how the novel coronavirus will affect day-to-day and emergency CVD care.
7. ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, and COVID-19: New Insights, Advice
Experts stress there is not enough evidence to suggest these medications can worsen COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.
8. How COVID-19 Promotes Thrombosis, Posing Problems for Drug-Drug Interactions
A new review explores the higher risk of thrombotic disease with this coronavirus, how to prevent and treat it, plus research gaps.
9. Obesity’s Role in COVID-19 Deaths: Big Food, Slow Government to Blame?
A BMJ editorial notes obesity is a modifiable risk factor for COVID-19, calling for reformulation of processed foods and a ban on ads.
10. Hopes High for Anti-inflammatories to Combat COVID-19 Immune System Storms
How the immune response tips so radically off-balance is unclear, but research, some drawing on recent CVD trials, ploughs on.
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Beyond COVID-19
COVID-19 may have been the most-searched term of 2020, but cardiology stories still had their day in the sun. Our top five “non-COVID” stories of the year were:
1. Coconut Oil Ups LDL Cholesterol Compared With Other Fats: Meta-analysis
Despite popular belief, coconut oil has no anti-inflammatory or glycemic benefits, leading experts to discourage its consumption.
2. More Risk of Death—All, Cardiac, and Noncardiac—With PCI Over Surgery: Meta-analysis
All-cause mortality is the most “unbiased” primary endpoint, the authors argue. David Kandzari calls this an oversimplification.
3. Olive Oil Consumption Linked to CVD Benefits in the US
Americans tend to consume far less olive oil than their Mediterranean counterparts, but beneficial signals are still seen.
4. TAVR Tussle at US Surgery Meeting Threatens to Widen Surgeon-Cardiologist Wedge
Physicians had a range of reactions to TAVR trial criticisms, but Society of Thoracic Surgeons leaders say they stand for balanced discourse.
5. Fish Oil Tanks in STRENGTH, Making Waves for REDUCE-IT
Steven Nissen argues REDUCE-IT gave a “false-positive” result. But Deepak Bhatt, that study's PI, calls the assertion “ridiculous.”
Shelley Wood is the Editor-in-Chief of TCTMD and the Editorial Director at CRF. She did her undergraduate degree at McGill…
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